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But for a few businessman, they trade this phenomenon being an chance to earn money this really is why phony Louis Vuitton bags is during the market place. When you have any LV monogram in a very crease it is pretend. In case you come across any LV crooked or while in the sew it can be phony. Louis Vuitton features a passion for perfection for every of their handcrafted purse or purse considering that the 1850s. They diligently layout exactly where the LV must be put on the bag plus the LVs are generally positioned on the bag with harmony. For those who have a ruler you can truly evaluate the LV from just one corner for the following and also the placement from each conclusion and major and base are usually very shut if not exactly the same. LV handbags are made of canvas with cowhide leather straps and sidings, the edge of your leather will be dyed purple. 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